Let’s start this off with a quote from Einstein. He was a genius man, after all. The environment is everything. It’s everywhere we look, in our homes, outdoors, in towns, in cities, and in deep in the bellies of twisted woods, proud mountains, and salted oceans.
Our environment is truly breathtaking. Nature never ceases to surprise and amaze me. Even when I look outside my door, I can see the true beauty of her fragile and extravagant system that has taken millions of years to develop and perfect itself. She has much yet to develop, new things to create, but nature’s plan may end sooner than expected due to our destructive lifestyle habits and choices.
Switch on the T.V and you’ll see the heartbreaking image of starving polar bears, prowling their once thriving environments, with ribs poking out of their matted fur, you’ll see the countless ads asking you to donate, to help, to adopt those hopeless animals with nowhere to go. You’ll see this all, it’s true, on that telly. But soon, if we do not change our ways, you’ll see this pain and desperation outside your own front door.
The environment is changing, our seas rising, skies heating, and ice melting.
If nature were a delicate bubble, we would do everything within our power to keep it from bursting. Our view of nature is that she is malleable and ever-changing, capable of rising from her injuries and what we throw at her. As we are beginning to see, the cold truth is: there are only so many times she can take a punch.
B&NES Youth Climate summit aims to protect our world one step at a time. We host an annual event filled with inspirational speakers, charities, artists, and others. We hope to teach and inspire the youth, and ultimately our future, how to truly care for our one and only beautiful home.
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